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  • What is coaching?
    Coaching is a professional relationship that supports people in living passionate, fulfilled, extraordinary lives. By bringing clarity to goals, values, and a person’s deeper purpose, it accelerates the process of growth—finding the place where you feel fully alive. Coaches partner with their clients to design the life they want, and then to take the concrete steps it takes to live that ideal life. Coaches function with the conviction that every person has the brilliance, creativity, and strength required to achieve excellence—sometimes they just need a catalyst to give them a nudge, or remind them what they are capable of. To better understand what coaching is, contact me to set up a quick 10-minute sample, or to book a full complementary session. It may be just what you need to move forward.
  • How do I know if now is a good time for coaching?
    Consider the following questions. Am I eager to grow? Am I open to trying new things? Am I ready to be challenged and prodded? Do I have the time to invest in coaching right now? Have I identified goals, obstacles, or topics that I would like to address? (See below for ideas.) Am I willing to be honest with my coach and myself? If you can answer “yes” to most of the above questions, the time is probably ripe for a coaching engagement!
  • What should I talk to my coach about?
    How to live a life that you are passionate about Where you’re feeling stuck What you’re tolerating How to adapt to a new life chapter (or get to a new chapter) How to get more of what you want How to do less of what you don’t like How to overcome obstacles How to live in the present moment How to make a decision you've been delaying Troubleshoot missed goals Brainstorm issues, root causes, or finding a path forward Improve a leadership skill Anything you like!
  • How are the sessions structured?
    Each session we will review: A quick update on how things have been going since our last session “Homework”/action items completed What specifically will be the focus for today’s session (Where am I stuck? Do I find I never have time to do what I really like?, etc.) A coaching conversation built around that focus Homework/action item to make progress on that focus before our next session. To accomplish all of this during our session, we will not have much time for casual conversation. If an important tangent arises, I will likely ask if you would like to re-direct our focus, or save it for a future session.
  • What experience do you have?
    The most important experience that any coach can have is the human experience. Working with diverse peoples, respecting their different approaches to the world, and deeply listening to their stories have been foundational to my coaching competencies. I have worked with entrepreneurs, executives, single moms, stay at home moms, clergy, atheists, and leaders at all levels. I have studied and served with people from dozens of countries. I have supported people in some of their brightest and darkest moments. I have learned from the very young and very old, from the powerful and the obscure and forgotten. Through this diverse experience, I have used deep listening and powerful questioning to support shifts in perspective and encourage risks. My official coach training has come through CoachU, which is accredited by the International Coach Foundation. I make continuing education a priority, so that I may hone my skills and offer the best to my clients.
  • What is your approach to coaching?
    My approach is inquiry-based. This means I come to coaching with openness and non-judgmental curiosity. I pose questions to inspire reflection and new ways of thinking. I believe when we approach the world with curiosity and wonder, it releases much of the tension, judgment, and stress that occurs when we try to force things into how they “should” be. It leaves us instead with newness to discover, which in turn leads to breakthroughs. Along with inquiries, I will also challenge clients. This may be a challenge to consider a new perspective, change behaviors, or want more for themselves. A client is always free to decline a challenge, but I ask that they be open to them– as without openness, change cannot occur.
  • What is your specialty or niche?
    My aim is to support seekers—the open, the curious, the restless – to become more fully alive. When you combine a seeker’s eagerness to grow with the catalyst of coaching, amazing things happen. In both my own life and in my client’s lives, I have seen this potent combination lead to explosive progress and game-changing shifts. Within the specialty of supporting seekers, I engage in the following types of coaching: Personal coaching – for those who want to live a more fulfilling life. Topics may include anything from finding your passion again, wanting more for a relationship, how to achieve that dream you’ve put on backburner, identifying what’s holding you back from the life you want, or discovering what you really need in order to feel alive. Spiritual coaching – for those who are seeking growth in their interior journey. Here, we may discuss any number of topics, including spiritual yearnings; what daily practices are right for you; living from your intuition; how to be compassionate toward yourself, others, and the world; being; how to live in freedom and authenticity; and how your unique personality and gifts impact your spirituality. I am respectful of all paths. Leadership coaching – for those who would like to increase their impact in a leadership role. We may address things like strategies for growth, emotional intelligence, how to motivate a team, balancing priorities in work and life, effective communication, or goal achievement. Often, aspects of each of these types of coaching are blended into a coaching relationship. I coach the person, not a category you fit into.
  • What is the time commitment?
    This is up to you. The typical coaching engagement includes two meetings/month, for 60 minutes each. I ask for a three-month commitment at minimum, though many clients stay on for a year or more. See Let's Work Together for more information.
  • How is coaching different from counseling, consulting, or training?"
    Counseling is done with a licensed therapist, and often deals with issues stemming from the past. Consulting offers advice and expertise in a given field. Training imparts knowledge. Coaching, while similar to the above fields, has several differences. Coaching is not advising. I partner with my clients to draw out the answers they already have within. In that way, I am more midwife than consultant or trainer. Coaching is present- or future-based. We look at where you are and where you’d like to be. The past may give us context, but if our conversations were to keep circling back to unresolved past issues, I may recommend therapy as a better fit.
  • What results do your clients receive from coaching?
    My clients' success stories include features like: Finally overcoming being "stuck" and moving to a place of passion Revolutionized relationships (marital, family, and business) where there was once tension or disfunction Relaxing into the present with a newfound gratitude and vitality Facing fears with courage and badassery (I'm sorry, is there a better way to put that??) Starting a business from a long-held idea Discovering the core issue that fuels much of their stress and difficulty Setting healthy boundaries and stopping the people-pleasing habit Completing the house project that they had been putting off for years Having the difficult conversation that they've long been avoiding Forging a new path where none was thought to exist Deeper understanding or intuitive knowing of who God is See testimonials here!
  • Do you offer scholarships?
    I do offer a sliding fee scale for those who cannot afford the full price of a coaching package. If you are highly motivated and think you can benefit from coaching, contact me directly regarding the sliding scale.
  • Do you have referrals?
    Check out my client referrals and testimonials here.
  • I still have questions. Can I talk through these with you?
    Absolutely. Contact me below to set up a time to chat. I also offer a complementary coaching session, which is often the best way to see if a coach is a good fit. I wish you all the best on your journey.
Contact me
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