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5 min read
When the World Breaks Your Heart—Turn to the Mystics
How do we find hope when facing suffering and injustice? Here are 4 ways Howard Thurman offers.

5 min read
The Autistic Mystic?
Caryll Houselander was a colorful, chain-smoking therapist who didn't fit in anywhere. Except for one place—right at the heart of divine Lov

5 min read
The Controversial Mysticism of Hindu-Benedictine Monk, Bede Griffiths
How I first met the Hindu Christ (and why we need this Benedictine monk to make the introduction)

3 min read
This gay priest saved me with his tenderness.
How Henri Nouwen's Inner Voice of Love rescued me after I left the convent. As I reeled in my illness, Nouwen invited me to tenderness.

8 min read
The Truth about Thomas Merton’s Spiritual Mother
“Baloney!” were the first words Thomas Merton heard her say. The year was 1941 and Merton was teaching at St. Bonaventure University. The...

2 min read
Julian of Norwich: 8 Things You Didn't Know
Julian of Norwich is becoming a wildly popular mystic. Yet she lived as a recluse in a forgotten corner of England in the 14th century....

4 min read
The 19 Best Julian of Norwich Quotes
Julian of Norwich’s popularity has skyrocketed over the past century. Yet she spent most of her life literally entombed in her...

4 min read
The Untapped Goldmine of Etty Hillesum that Virtually No One Knows About
Etty Hillesum doesn't fit in boxes. Which might be why I'm so magnetically drawn to her. People who defy categories intrigue me. Somehow...

5 min read
Mysticism vs. Religion - what's the difference?
Recently I was invited to participate in a gathering of young(ish) contemplatives, to dialogue together about the future of the...
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