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8 min read
9 Ways to Know if You’re Growing Spiritually
Elia had big desires. Like many of the people I walk with in spiritual direction, she was hungry to learn. She wanted homework. Book...

8 min read
Prayer and Orgasm Have More in Common Than You Think
The Mystics' Secret to Bliss I can’t remember the first time it happened in prayer. But I remember the first conversation I tried to have...

7 min read
The Surprising Reason Why You Don't Feel God
Let’s be honest: meditation is not always sunshine and roses. If you’ve ever tried to sustain a spiritual practice, you’ve probably...

5 min read
Mysticism vs. Religion - what's the difference?
Recently I was invited to participate in a gathering of young(ish) contemplatives, to dialogue together about the future of the...

3 min read
How One Simple Trip Taught me to Speak about the Ineffable
I recently had the distinct privilege of speaking to a very eclectic group in Birmingham, England. I was asked to speak to a group on...
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